What happened to alt.guitar.beginner? Posts have dwindled
(too old to reply)
2009-04-28 14:20:23 UTC
What happened to this group? It used to show dozens of messages a
day, now it's under 10. Did I miss the "this group is closing"
notice? Sad, really. Lumpy's posts were always good for a laugh.
Poor Lumpy.
2009-04-28 14:43:07 UTC
Post by Mike
What happened to this group? It used to show dozens of messages a
day, now it's under 10. Did I miss the "this group is closing"
notice? Sad, really. Lumpy's posts were always good for a laugh.
Poor Lumpy.
Why do you say poor Lumpy? Did I miss something?
ed s
2009-04-28 15:05:10 UTC
What happened to this group?  It used to show dozens of messages a
day, now it's under 10.  Did I miss the "this group is closing"
notice?  Sad, really.  Lumpy's posts were always good for a laugh.
Poor Lumpy.
Why do you say poor Lumpy?  Did I miss something?
Everybody is busy Playing there guitars to get better.
I have a gig May16th , need to get it together, Also last gig for
bass player (getting married and no time for it) , auditioning new
ones. Starting a new job, & enjoying the start of SUMMER -
huuuuooorahhh - ed s.
2009-04-28 15:50:37 UTC
Post by ed s
What happened to this group?  It used to show dozens of messages a
day, now it's under 10.  Did I miss the "this group is closing"
notice?  Sad, really.  Lumpy's posts were always good for a laugh.
Poor Lumpy.
Why do you say poor Lumpy?  Did I miss something?
Everybody is busy Playing there guitars to get better.
I have a gig May16th , need to get it together, Also last gig for
bass player (getting married and no time for it) , auditioning new
ones. Starting a new job, & enjoying the start of SUMMER -
huuuuooorahhh - ed s.
Try decaff :)
2009-04-28 18:21:16 UTC
What happened to this group? It used to show dozens of messages a
day, now it's under 10. Did I miss the "this group is closing"
notice? Sad, really. Lumpy's posts were always good for a laugh.
Poor Lumpy.
Why do you say poor Lumpy? Did I miss something?
Everybody is busy Playing there guitars to get better.
I have a gig May16th , need to get it together, Also last gig for
bass player (getting married and no time for it) , auditioning new
ones. Starting a new job, & enjoying the start of SUMMER -
huuuuooorahhh - ed s.


Congrats on the new job ed!

I just got a call from my brother. He wants to get the band back together so
I should be pretty busy soon too.

I'm stoked.

I noticed the drop in posts too. I've always thought this group has too many
chiefs and not enough Indians. When an actual beginner does post they get
bombarded with advice and then sometimes it breaks down into a sarcasm
match. Easy to see how some newbie's could be scared off.

Some people (won't mention any names) act like their advice is the only
advice that matters.

I'd like to see more beginners with their own experiences, share tips, and
some expert advice w/o the heavy handed criticism.

oh well....JMO. As someone already told me, it doesn't mean a thing.

Shy Picker
2009-04-28 18:36:38 UTC
Post by ed s
What happened to this group?  It used to show dozens of messages a
day, now it's under 10.  Did I miss the "this group is closing"
notice?  Sad, really.  Lumpy's posts were always good for a laugh.
Poor Lumpy.
Why do you say poor Lumpy?  Did I miss something?
Everybody is busy Playing there guitars to get better.
Playing where guitars?
Post by ed s
I have a gig May16th  , need to get it together, Also last gig for
bass player (getting married and no time for it) , auditioning new
ones. Starting a new job, & enjoying the start of SUMMER -
huuuuooorahhh - ed s.
2009-04-28 18:39:49 UTC
Post by ed s
What happened to this group? It used to show dozens of messages a
day, now it's under 10. Did I miss the "this group is closing"
notice? Sad, really. Lumpy's posts were always good for a laugh.
Poor Lumpy.
Why do you say poor Lumpy? Did I miss something?
Everybody is busy Playing there guitars to get better.
Playing where guitars?


Those guitars over their ----->

2009-04-28 15:36:07 UTC
Post by Mike
What happened to this group? It used to show dozens of messages a
day, now it's under 10. Did I miss the "this group is closing"
notice? Sad, really. Lumpy's posts were always good for a laugh.
Poor Lumpy.
Didnt you hear? It is no longer alt.guitar.beginner. It is now

Mr. Green
2009-04-28 15:47:51 UTC
What happened to this group?  It used to show dozens of messages a
day, now it's under 10.  Did I miss the "this group is closing"
notice?  Sad, really.  Lumpy's posts were always good for a laugh.
Poor Lumpy.
Go on, ask a question. Make it a good one. What do you want to know
about? There must be something guitar related you'd like to know more
about! Only questions can bring this group back to life. Where's the

1. How do I move on beyond the blues scale?
2. Should I use the trust rod to adjust my guitars action?
3. Can I use my Strat to play jazz?
4. Should I learn modes?
5. What key is SHA played in?

There you go, now all you have to do is pick one. Probably better no
to pick No. 5 :-)

2009-04-28 15:53:31 UTC
Post by Mr. Green
What happened to this group?  It used to show dozens of messages a
day, now it's under 10.  Did I miss the "this group is closing"
notice?  Sad, really.  Lumpy's posts were always good for a laugh.
Poor Lumpy.
Go on, ask a question. Make it a good one. What do you want to know
about? There must be something guitar related you'd like to know more
about! Only questions can bring this group back to life. Where's the
1. How do I move on beyond the blues scale?
2. Should I use the trust rod to adjust my guitars action?
3. Can I use my Strat to play jazz?
4. Should I learn modes?
5. What key is SHA played in?
There you go, now all you have to do is pick one. Probably better no
to pick No. 5 :-)
If I put hemp leaf decals on my Estiban...will it make me cool like the
big kids?
2009-04-28 17:10:15 UTC
Post by Arlowe
Post by Mr. Green
Post by Mike
What happened to this group? It used to show dozens of messages a
day, now it's under 10. Did I miss the "this group is closing"
notice? Sad, really. Lumpy's posts were always good for a laugh.
Poor Lumpy.
Go on, ask a question. Make it a good one. What do you want to know
about? There must be something guitar related you'd like to know more
about! Only questions can bring this group back to life. Where's the
1. How do I move on beyond the blues scale?
2. Should I use the trust rod to adjust my guitars action?
3. Can I use my Strat to play jazz?
4. Should I learn modes?
5. What key is SHA played in?
There you go, now all you have to do is pick one. Probably better no
to pick No. 5 :-)
If I put hemp leaf decals on my Estiban...will it make me cool like the
big kids?
LOL.. Maybe LOL.. Mabe Not :^)
2009-04-28 17:11:31 UTC
Post by Arlowe
Post by Mr. Green
Post by Mike
What happened to this group? It used to show dozens of messages a
day, now it's under 10. Did I miss the "this group is closing"
notice? Sad, really. Lumpy's posts were always good for a laugh.
Poor Lumpy.
Go on, ask a question. Make it a good one. What do you want to know
about? There must be something guitar related you'd like to know more
about! Only questions can bring this group back to life. Where's the
1. How do I move on beyond the blues scale?
2. Should I use the trust rod to adjust my guitars action?
3. Can I use my Strat to play jazz?
4. Should I learn modes?
5. What key is SHA played in?
There you go, now all you have to do is pick one. Probably better no
to pick No. 5 :-)
If I put hemp leaf decals on my Estiban...will it make me cool like the
big kids?
LOL.. Maybe LOL.. Maybe Not :^)
2009-04-28 18:24:30 UTC
What happened to this group? It used to show dozens of messages a
day, now it's under 10. Did I miss the "this group is closing"
notice? Sad, really. Lumpy's posts were always good for a laugh.
Poor Lumpy.
Go on, ask a question. Make it a good one. What do you want to know
about? There must be something guitar related you'd like to know more
about! Only questions can bring this group back to life. Where's the

1. How do I move on beyond the blues scale?
2. Should I use the trust rod to adjust my guitars action?
3. Can I use my Strat to play jazz?
4. Should I learn modes?
5. What key is SHA played in?

There you go, now all you have to do is pick one. Probably better no
to pick No. 5 :-)



I know the ans. to 5:

It's whatever key you play it in!

2009-04-29 01:42:30 UTC
On Apr 28, 10:47 am, "Mr. Green"
Post by Mr. Green
1. How do I move on beyond the blues scale?
There is nothing beyond the blues scale.
Post by Mr. Green
2. Should I use the trust rod to adjust my guitars action?
Never trust a rod.
Post by Mr. Green
3. Can I use my Strat to play jazz?
Sure, get a jazz player to play it.
Post by Mr. Green
4. Should I learn modes?
I live peach ala-mode.
Post by Mr. Green
5. What key is SHA played in?
I'm glad you asked.

2009-04-30 14:33:01 UTC
On Apr 28, 11:47 am, "Mr. Green"
Post by Mr. Green
What happened to this group?  It used to show dozens of messages a
day, now it's under 10.  Did I miss the "this group is closing"
notice?  Sad, really.  Lumpy's posts were always good for a laugh.
Poor Lumpy.
Go on, ask a question. Make it a good one. What do you want to know
about? There must be something guitar related you'd like to know more
about! Only questions can bring this group back to life. Where's the
5. What key is SHA played in?
I am playing bass in a short-term summer band, we're going to do about
10 gigs at the local lake this summer. We had our first/only
rehearsal last week where we played snippets of all the songs we'll do
(the new classics, natch). As we rehearsed, the singers teen-age kids
were watching. They have a band, too. Anyhow, we played a bit of
Sweet Home AL and the teens were talking as the guitar player did the
solo. After the song finished, one of the teens said "hey, is that
song in D or G?" I did a spit-take.

Mr. Green
2009-04-30 15:32:28 UTC
Post by Mike
On Apr 28, 11:47 am, "Mr. Green"
Post by Mr. Green
What happened to this group?  It used to show dozens of messages a
day, now it's under 10.  Did I miss the "this group is closing"
notice?  Sad, really.  Lumpy's posts were always good for a laugh.
Poor Lumpy.
Go on, ask a question. Make it a good one. What do you want to know
about? There must be something guitar related you'd like to know more
about! Only questions can bring this group back to life. Where's the
5. What key is SHA played in?
I am playing bass in a short-term summer band, we're going to do about
10 gigs at the local lake this summer.  We had our first/only
rehearsal last week where we played snippets of all the songs we'll do
(the new classics, natch).  As we rehearsed, the singers teen-age kids
were watching.  They have a band, too.  Anyhow, we played a bit of
Sweet Home AL and the teens were talking as the guitar player did the
solo.  After the song finished, one of the teens said "hey, is that
song in D or G?"  I did a spit-take.
LOL will it never end :-)

Greg Cisko
2009-05-02 06:16:26 UTC
SHA is emin pentatonic. Or Gmaj pentatonic. Same notes...

I agree. Pick 5 ;-)

The Pentatonic Scale Explained

What happened to this group? It used to show dozens of messages a
day, now it's under 10. Did I miss the "this group is closing"
notice? Sad, really. Lumpy's posts were always good for a laugh.
Poor Lumpy.
Go on, ask a question. Make it a good one. What do you want to know
about? There must be something guitar related you'd like to know more
about! Only questions can bring this group back to life. Where's the

1. How do I move on beyond the blues scale?
2. Should I use the trust rod to adjust my guitars action?
3. Can I use my Strat to play jazz?
4. Should I learn modes?
5. What key is SHA played in?

There you go, now all you have to do is pick one. Probably better no
to pick No. 5 :-)

Paul P
2009-05-02 15:29:29 UTC
Post by Greg Cisko
SHA is emin pentatonic. Or Gmaj pentatonic. Same notes...
You seem to be confusing the melody with the harmony.

Paul P
2009-05-02 06:28:30 UTC
Post by Mr. Green
Post by Mike
What happened to this group? It used to show dozens of messages a
day, now it's under 10. Did I miss the "this group is closing"
notice? Sad, really. Lumpy's posts were always good for a laugh.
Poor Lumpy.
Go on, ask a question. Make it a good one. What do you want to know
about? There must be something guitar related you'd like to know more
about! Only questions can bring this group back to life. Where's the
1. How do I move on beyond the blues scale?
...why would you want to?
Post by Mr. Green
2. Should I use the trust rod to adjust my guitars action?
...only if you really, REALLY trust it.
Post by Mr. Green
3. Can I use my Strat to play jazz?
...yeah, but you gottsta hit that sucker JUST right.
Post by Mr. Green
4. Should I learn modes?
...only if you follow fashion.
Post by Mr. Green
5. What key is SHA played in?
...same key as "Werewolves of London".
Post by Mr. Green
There you go, now all you have to do is pick one. Probably better no
to pick No. 5 :-)
...aahhh...that was refreshing.
- Rufus
Greg Cisko
2009-05-02 06:13:49 UTC
What happened to lumpy???

The Pentatonic Scale Explained

Post by Mike
What happened to this group? It used to show dozens of messages a
day, now it's under 10. Did I miss the "this group is closing"
notice? Sad, really. Lumpy's posts were always good for a laugh.
Poor Lumpy.
2009-05-02 16:59:27 UTC
Post by Greg Cisko
What happened to lumpy???
Nothing (that I know of) has happened to Lumpy. I haven't seen many
posts by him lately and it made me sad. Perhaps I should've said
"Poor me". Save alt.guitar.beginner AND the whales!!
Uncle Tim
2019-05-07 15:36:57 UTC

I used to be an active member of this forum. I was an active member back in the days when it was run by deja.com. That's a blast from the past. I answered lots of questions from new players. I read lots of Lumpy's posts.

I only came by because I noticed an email outlining recent posts in my in-box. I had no idea this group is still in existence.

I quit posting because eventually someone would come along and notice I publish music theory books for guitar and start accusing me of a conflict of interest. I do admit, I did make a fair amount of money here.

I want to help people but not if I suffer personally for it. So I stopped posting.

I see the standard beginner questions are still being asked. Not sure if there are many really good answers out there anymore. I think I could answer every questions here intelligently and thoughtfully.

I would like to answer them on a limited basis if that would help. My business goes just fine all by itself and does not need any help from me this way. Besides I have been working on an album I am about to release. I suppose someone will accuse me of trying to make money on that one too. You will be able to listen to every cut for free! When it it released.

So no promises and I hate being flamed. But I am willing to try again. Maybe I will post someone for someone today. Just to get started. Please be kind, I have a very thin skin. And very little time.

Tim G.
John Barron
2019-05-08 11:16:51 UTC
youtube, facebook
2019-05-17 23:34:39 UTC
Post by John Barron
youtube, facebook
I think mostly it's that ISPs have dumped included support for
Usenet...I know that's what happened to me.

I can get here over a free server, but the places I really liked - the
3D software and artist's binary groups - I can't access without finding
someone else to pay. And I'm paying enough out to enough people as it is...
- Rufus
James Threadgill
2019-05-20 20:53:14 UTC
Post by Rufus
Post by John Barron
youtube, facebook
I think mostly it's that ISPs have dumped included support for
Usenet...I know that's what happened to me.
I can get here over a free server, but the places I really liked - the
3D software and artist's binary groups - I can't access without finding
someone else to pay. And I'm paying enough out to enough people as it is...
- Rufus
Does Eternal September have your groups and are the groups still active?
2019-06-03 02:19:48 UTC
Post by James Threadgill
Post by Rufus
Post by John Barron
youtube, facebook
I think mostly it's that ISPs have dumped included support for
Usenet...I know that's what happened to me.
I can get here over a free server, but the places I really liked - the
3D software and artist's binary groups - I can't access without finding
someone else to pay. And I'm paying enough out to enough people as it is...
- Rufus
Does Eternal September have your groups and are the groups still active?
No, not my fav ones for 3D artists using Bryce and/or Poser...just took
a look. ther's one for Daz Studio that I hadn't noted...but I don't use
that 3d suite. Presently.

I guess people trading digital content is likely another one of things
killing usenet - especially since the copyright, privacy, etc laws have
changed. I know I was certainly interested in trading music, code, art,
ideas, etc...all gone now, it seems.
- Rufus