What happened to this group? It used to show dozens of messages a
day, now it's under 10. Did I miss the "this group is closing"
notice? Sad, really. Lumpy's posts were always good for a laugh.
Poor Lumpy.
Why do you say poor Lumpy? Did I miss something?
Everybody is busy Playing there guitars to get better.
I have a gig May16th , need to get it together, Also last gig for
bass player (getting married and no time for it) , auditioning new
ones. Starting a new job, & enjoying the start of SUMMER -
huuuuooorahhh - ed s.
Congrats on the new job ed!
I just got a call from my brother. He wants to get the band back together so
I should be pretty busy soon too.
I'm stoked.
I noticed the drop in posts too. I've always thought this group has too many
chiefs and not enough Indians. When an actual beginner does post they get
bombarded with advice and then sometimes it breaks down into a sarcasm
match. Easy to see how some newbie's could be scared off.
Some people (won't mention any names) act like their advice is the only
advice that matters.
I'd like to see more beginners with their own experiences, share tips, and
some expert advice w/o the heavy handed criticism.
oh well....JMO. As someone already told me, it doesn't mean a thing.