I would like to make a few suggestions and point you to some resources.
If you are trying to play barre chords and holding down several strings with one finger and making everything ring, consider this.
Instead of trying to start with 6 string barre chords, start with 3 string barre chords. They are much easier and you and build up your finer and hand strength as you go. It also has the added benefit of getting you out and away from the open string chords and higher up the fretboard. That is something beginners usually enjoy.
Here is a self serving link, I will undoubtedly make more money from. I have for a long time.
If you visit that page you will see an article about the fretboard which is nice, but it also features a small snippet of vertical triads. 3 note chords stacked on top of each other. In the key too. That is what you might want to play with a little.
Start by playing these easier barre chords and work up to 4 string barre chords and then the big ones. There are tons of triad cascades and they help a bunch. That should give you a new tool in learning and building your skills.
I am planning a few new newsletter articles pretty soon too. Mostly about the album I am about to release. But I am nowhere near ready yet. I used to do all sorts of illustrations for people here years ago. I know it helped and I am willing to do it in a limited way again.
There are lots of articles near the one I linked to. Some require flash as they are old articles. But they are safe. All of them.
If you have any questions about this, I am up for answering them. Please let me know. I am up for plain old discussions too.
I hope this helps.
Tim G.