a.b.g died
(too old to reply)
2016-08-06 18:35:13 UTC
when the lumpster left

2016-08-06 21:57:41 UTC
Post by breeze
when the lumpster left
Wrong. "the lumpster" killed it.
2016-08-07 04:16:24 UTC
Post by Nil
Post by breeze
when the lumpster left
Wrong. "the lumpster" killed it.
He drove away all the beginners and by the time he left you could have
called it "Lumpy's Place".
Remember, it’s not whether or not you pick your nose, but where you put
the boogers.
2016-08-07 16:52:58 UTC
Post by Bastardo'
He drove away all the beginners and by the time he left you could
have called it "Lumpy's Place".
He tried to drive away anybody who had a musical (or any other) point
of view different than his own. His hysterical abuse surely scared away
any beginners who might have hoped for guidance. In the end he had a
very virtual-public meltdown here and left for good.

I hope he's found some peace since then. He seemed to be on the verge
of a serious mental break.
David L. Martel
2016-08-07 22:33:26 UTC

Your view of Lumpy is very different from mine. Lumpy is a solid,
professional musician, a really good guitarist and arranger with
considerable musical training. He has at least one degree in music.
When others offered the wrong advice to beginners he was not kind. I
don't recall that he was ever wrong. He knows music. It's his business. He
may not have always been diplomatic.
The newsgroups are almost dead. They have been supplanted by other
groups. That's not Lumpy's fault. When, if ever, beginners come here they
won't know who Lumpy is. He did "hurt" the group by showing that the group's
"musical advisors" were often wrong or could not explain why they were
So, did he fry your ass?

Dave M.
2016-08-08 07:12:30 UTC
Post by David L. Martel
Your view of Lumpy is very different from mine. Lumpy is a
professional musician, a really good guitarist and arranger with
considerable musical training. He has at least one degree in
When others offered the wrong advice to beginners he was not
kind. I
don't recall that he was ever wrong. He knows music. It's his
business. He may not have always been diplomatic.
The newsgroups are almost dead. They have been supplanted by
groups. That's not Lumpy's fault. When, if ever, beginners come
here they won't know who Lumpy is. He did "hurt" the group by
showing that the group's "musical advisors" were often wrong or
could not explain why they were right.
So, did he fry your ass?
I have also had a good amount of formal music training and have been
playing most of my life. I have learned that there are many aspects of
music that can be described and justified in more than one way while
still using the standard vocabulary that we all use. This is art, not

Lumpy didn't think that way. He believed that the only correct opinion
was his, and he would become angry and abusive toward those who he
disagreed with. I have some musical opinions that Lumpy didn't seem to
like. When his attempts to "fry my ass" were unsuccessful he doubled
down on his verbal abuse. He eventually blew a gasket and petulantly
stormed out of the group. He returned at least once, then the cycle
repeated itself until he was finally gone for good. I'm not the only
one he tried to browbeat into submission - pretty much everybody who
tried to contribute got a dose of his WAY out-of-proportion fury.

There was no discussion with Lumpy. There was no trading of ideas, no
respect for others experiences, thoughts, or opinions. He obviously
wanted to be the lord and king of this newsgroup and any "competition"
infuriated him. I've been participating in this newsgroup for many
years, and I watched his ego, desire to dominate others, and his verbal
abuse grow worse with the years. I believe he was mentally ill - normal
people don't fly off the handle like that.

Yes, he knows his shit. Yes, he's a good player. Perhaps he was a good
teacher at one time, but if his face-to-face manner is anything like
what he showed here, I expect he turned off more students than he

So, no, he didn't "fry my ass" - he just wanted to. He wanted to fry
EVERYbody's ass.
David L. Martel
2016-08-08 13:01:52 UTC

It would be silly of me to indulge in speculation about Lumpy's mental
health. I'm not qualfied by training or experience and I've never met Lumpy.
So, what are your qualifications?
You've mentioned Lumpy in a disparaging fashion twice, I think, recently
though Lumpy hasn't posted here for years. Why?
Blaming Lumpy for the "death" of abg makes little sense. How did Lumpy
kill abg?
I've lurked at abg for many years. I do recall that Lumpy did not care
for PT's ramblings. Other than that I don't recall many disputes. I did
reply to beginner requests for advice. My usual reply was that everyone
struggles with barre chords and a good setup might help. Lumpy never
disagreed with this. Thus Lumpy never hurt my feelings. He never fried my
ass. Thus he did not fry everybody.

Dave M.
2016-08-08 21:18:39 UTC
Post by David L. Martel
It would be silly of me to indulge in speculation about Lumpy's
mental health. I'm not qualfied by training or experience and I've
never met Lumpy. So, what are your qualifications?
My only "qualifications" are knowing a couple of people, one of whom
is a family member, who have serious mental problems. Otherwise I'm
just speculating. I would have thought that was obvious, but I guess
not. If you were having fits of diarrhea and vomiting, I might
speculate you had the flu or worse. If you displayed irrational
rage, aggressive paranoia, lashing out at others, and mood swings,
I'd speculate you have some mental health issues going on.

However, I do understand that there's a real stigma about mental
disease, so maybe it's not fair to speculate about such things
publicly. Still, the guy was not acting normally.
Post by David L. Martel
You've mentioned Lumpy in a disparaging fashion twice, I think,
recently though Lumpy hasn't posted here for years. Why?
Perhaps you missed it, but I was responding to someone else in a
thread that someone else started. I didn't mention it out of thin
air. I don't think about him that much.
Post by David L. Martel
Blaming Lumpy for the "death" of abg makes little sense. How did
Lumpy kill abg?
He didn't, but he surely chased out a bunch of contributers and
seekers and and cast a pall over it.
Post by David L. Martel
I've lurked at abg for many years. I do recall that Lumpy did not
care for PT's ramblings.
He didn't just "not care" for it, but took on a vendetta against him
based on his perception that PT was alcoholic. He brought it up just
about any time PT posted something.
Post by David L. Martel
Other than that I don't recall many disputes.
You weren't paying very close attention. Another very disturbing
incident was when he perceived one guy (I forget his name - he was a
teacher at a Catholic boy's school) as being a threat to his
authority. He then tracked down supposed Internet evidence that the
guy had been arrested for DUI, and vowed he would get him fired from
his job. Now, really, is that normal acceptable behavior?
Post by David L. Martel
I did reply to beginner requests for advice. My usual reply was
that everyone struggles with barre chords and a good setup might
help. Lumpy never disagreed with this. Thus Lumpy never hurt my
feelings. He never fried my ass. Thus he did not fry everybody.
You dodged a bullet.
2016-08-09 02:31:02 UTC
Post by Nil
Post by David L. Martel
It would be silly of me to indulge in speculation about Lumpy's
mental health.
My only "qualifications" are knowing a couple of people, one of whom
is a family member, who have serious mental problems. Otherwise I'm
just speculating.

a person with a psychopathic personality, which manifests as amoral and
antisocial behavior, lack of ability to love or establish meaningful
personal relationships, extreme egocentricity, failure to learn from
experience, etc.

I pointed this out to the group when Lumpy was still posting.
He got a laugh out of it.
Post by Nil
Post by David L. Martel
Blaming Lumpy for the "death" of abg makes little sense. How did
Lumpy kill abg?
He didn't, but he surely chased out a bunch of contributers and
seekers and and cast a pall over it.
He was a contributing factor.
Many times I would see a new name posting a question, after Lumpy done
his act they never posted again. That was observations over a several
year period.
Technology took care of the rest. Usenet is old, most younger people get
help from other on line sources now. (Note all the new teaching web
sites there are now)
Post by Nil
Post by David L. Martel
I've lurked at abg for many years. I do recall that Lumpy did not
care for PT's ramblings.
He didn't just "not care" for it, but took on a vendetta against him
based on his perception that PT was alcoholic. He brought it up just
about any time PT posted something.
He also done a background search on him (and others) and remarked
several times that he'd been arrested. A sore point with PT.
Post by Nil
Post by David L. Martel
Other than that I don't recall many disputes.
You weren't paying very close attention
Many disputes? That's seemed to be what most the posts turned into with
Lumpy and the help of others whom seemed to like the fight.
Post by Nil
Post by David L. Martel
I did reply to beginner requests for advice. My usual reply was
that everyone struggles with barre chords and a good setup might
help. Lumpy never disagreed with this. Thus Lumpy never hurt my
feelings. He never fried my ass. Thus he did not fry everybody.
You dodged a bullet.
More like a shotgun blast.

Personally I believe that Lumpy's flame wars are what kept this group
going as many seemed to come just to battle him. And many post at least
sub threaded into one.
Many times I would have liked to have read an answer to someones post
but it rarely happened after Lumpy high jacked it for his own purposes.

If he ever comes back, I think we'll see this group pick back up.
In that case just call it "Lumpy's Place".

The healthy man does not torture others - generally it is the tortured
who turn into torturers. -Carl Jung
dream weaver
2016-08-16 19:56:54 UTC
Post by David L. Martel
Your view of Lumpy is very different from mine. Lumpy is a solid,
professional musician, a really good guitarist and arranger with
considerable musical training. He has at least one degree in music.
When others offered the wrong advice to beginners he was not kind. I
don't recall that he was ever wrong. He knows music. It's his business. He
may not have always been diplomatic.
The newsgroups are almost dead. They have been supplanted by other
groups. That's not Lumpy's fault. When, if ever, beginners come here they
won't know who Lumpy is. He did "hurt" the group by showing that the group's
"musical advisors" were often wrong or could not explain why they were
So, did he fry your ass?
Dave M.
I knew Lumpy and sir you are no Lumpy.
2016-08-17 17:48:02 UTC
Post by David L. Martel
Your view of Lumpy is very different from mine. Lumpy is a solid,
professional musician, a really good guitarist and arranger with
considerable musical training. He has at least one degree in music.
When others offered the wrong advice to beginners he was not kind. I
don't recall that he was ever wrong. He knows music. It's his business. He
may not have always been diplomatic.
The newsgroups are almost dead. They have been supplanted by other
groups. That's not Lumpy's fault. When, if ever, beginners come here they
won't know who Lumpy is. He did "hurt" the group by showing that the group's
"musical advisors" were often wrong or could not explain why they were
So, did he fry your ass?
Dave M.
Both You and Lumpy were / are pompous ass's . Thinking you must be a pro to be creative and enjoy music. I left because I don't need your crappy opinion to have a good time. My band made $9,000 last Saturday for a Big Benefit for Autism. And still its just a hobby for me! - I don't need a foot stool or white socks, or heavy strings , or read sheet music, or have someone tell my I'm off a 1/16 on timing on a song I just learned the first time. ......bye bye -- Ed S.
2016-08-17 17:58:21 UTC
Post by e***@yahoo.com
Post by David L. Martel
Your view of Lumpy is very different from mine. Lumpy is a solid,
professional musician, a really good guitarist and arranger with
considerable musical training. He has at least one degree in music.
When others offered the wrong advice to beginners he was not kind. I
don't recall that he was ever wrong. He knows music. It's his business. He
may not have always been diplomatic.
The newsgroups are almost dead. They have been supplanted by other
groups. That's not Lumpy's fault. When, if ever, beginners come here they
won't know who Lumpy is. He did "hurt" the group by showing that the group's
"musical advisors" were often wrong or could not explain why they were
So, did he fry your ass?
Dave M.
Both You and Lumpy were / are pompous ass's . Thinking you must be a pro to be creative and enjoy music. I left because I don't need your crappy opinion to have a good time. My band made $9,000 last Saturday for a Big Benefit for Autism. And still its just a hobby for me! - I don't need a foot stool or white socks, or heavy strings , or read sheet music, or have someone tell my I'm off a 1/16 on timing on a song I just learned the first time. ......bye bye -- Ed S.
2016-08-17 23:47:23 UTC
Post by e***@yahoo.com
"Sorry, this content isn't available right now. The link you
followed may have expired, or the page may only be visible to an
audience you're not in."
2016-08-18 14:05:25 UTC
Post by Nil
Post by e***@yahoo.com
"Sorry, this content isn't available right now. The link you
followed may have expired, or the page may only be visible to an
audience you're not in."
oops sorry private (friends only) ... It's us playing SEEKER (by the WHO) at the benefit. I'll fix it some time later this evening.. Ed
Tony Done
2016-08-11 00:22:43 UTC
Post by breeze
when the lumpster left
I never had any argument with his advice, which I thought was often
outstanding, but his attitude left a lot to be desired. He once went to
the trouble of emailing me on some pretext or other to see if I was
using a real name and email address.
Tony Done


2016-08-11 01:13:17 UTC
Post by Tony Done
Post by breeze
when the lumpster left
I never had any argument with his advice, which I thought was often
outstanding, but his attitude left a lot to be desired. He once went to
the trouble of emailing me on some pretext or other to see if I was
using a real name and email address.
Can't do a background check on someone if you don't know their real name.
Must not have found anything on you as he pretty much left you alone as
I recall.

3 years since he took his ball and went home and still most the
conversation is around him.
He'd like that.

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm
not sure about the former. -Albert Einstein
2016-08-11 02:28:51 UTC
Post by Bastardo'
3 years since he took his ball and went home and still most the
conversation is around him.
He'd like that.
Well, it's hard to discuss beginner's guitar with no beginners around.
I expect most were scared away by Lumpy's melodrama, and nowadays they
don't know about Usenet to find their way here in the first place.
2016-08-11 02:20:21 UTC
Post by Tony Done
I never had any argument with his advice, which I thought was
often outstanding, but his attitude left a lot to be desired.
I'm don't recall having any major disagreement with his advice,
either. I usually though his ideas had merit, even if they were too
rigid and narrow. My problem was that he would never admit that
there were any valid points of view other than his own. If you had a
differing opinion he'd viciously ridicule you. If you conceded that
he was right, he'd ridicule you for *that*. He seemed to regard
cooperation or compromise or as a sign of weakness to be despised and
crushed. His reaction seemed pathological.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
Post by Tony Done
He once went to the trouble of emailing me on some pretext or
other to see if I was using a real name and email address.
He did me, too, but it didn't occur until you mentioned it now that he
had an ulterior motive. But that was in earlier times, before he truly
started to visibly go off the rails.
dream weaver
2016-08-16 14:43:32 UTC
Post by breeze
when the lumpster left

it died when I told it to.

I should have some new stuff recorded but it's mostly me singing with
piano. nobody here gives a shi....